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Avec des images montrant la vie quotidienne, des objets de notre environnement proche et quelques portraits subtils, le photographe bruxellois Sven Laurent explore les questions d'espace, de temps et d'existence, révélant la beauté non conventionnelle de notre environnement proche.

Certains jours, je me sens invisible,
I feel like I’m going to dissolve into fear, sadness and anxiety.

Ces jours-là, je fais des photos,
plus de doute, plus de questions,
juste le moment, la paix et la tranquillité.


For me photography has always been about comfort and contemplation. Finding beauty in my close surroundings is a balancing act in order to survive the social and political turmoil of the world we live in.

Carrying a camera most of the time, I take pictures wherever I am. I don’t look for the exotic or the spectacular. Images appear to me, triggered by the light, colour, shape or perspective, revealing the beauty that often goes unseen.


2002 – Ecole de Photographie Agnès Varda, Brussels, Belgium

1999 – Ecole des Arts, Brussels , Belgium.


  • « No country for a flag’s shadow »

Each country or community has its own specific flag to represent themselves. But all the shadows of all flags look the same. This image metaphorically questions our identity and belonging to a community.
We all know that having the right flag has inevitable consequences on the course of our lives.
While the shadows of all flags are the same, clearing the differences of our affiliations and gathering indivi- duals under a single flag, « the shadow of all flags ».


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