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Copy Planet

Copy Planet is a cosmic system born during the pandemic. Conceived by an intimate group of people made up and led by artist Andy Wauman, the multimedia artist Pablo Salafurka, together with tech wizard and game developer Jonathan Pugh, graphic designer TypeDistortDecay, and artist, educator & curator James Ly.

The focus of the project is to produce fruitful collaborations with new media artists, designers, animators and sound designers to create high quality digital art that challenges current ontological categories of established ideas relating to digital and contemporary art.

While also proposing an urgency for the contemplation for a new spirituality through the fiction of “Being an agent for the Universe”. The project proposes new protocols for understanding one’s place in the universe. By establishing a radically inclusive, post-secular faith. Represented by the artists and their planting of poetical language into the virtual realm of the digital and the internet.

And as part of the collaborative aspect of the project, a big percentage of the profits will go towards affiliated charities in Indonesia that offers free education, towards underprivileged children.

Words by James Ly



Distant Dream

In collusion with artist TypeDistortDecay, as part of Copy Planet’s expanding universe.

“Swim in the sea of love. It’s all within your heart”

Pixel Perfect are a series of JPEG’s that relate to the transitory nature of existence and processes of grief gesturing towards an embrace of the ineffable and infinite.

Whispering to us like the falling of a daisy’s petals as a gateway towards healing. Inviting us to find our authentic selves through an immersion into the nebula of love.

Words by James Ly

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